About Aquxite Cleaner

What’s Aquxite Cleaner?

What’s Aquxite Cleaner?

Cooling water treatment device for Circulation system through producing and supplying functional ceramics.


Background of its development

Aquxite cleaner

The problem with the use of a cooling tower

        1. Cleaning of cooling towers requires hard work under the poor conditions.


      full of sludge, microbe and mineral deposition.
      2. These foreign matters sometime block discharge openings.
      3. Bacteria or Legionella bacillus can scatter giving neighbors a trouble.
      4. Throwing sterilizer accelerates on the other hand corrosion of the equipment.
      5. Mineral deposition in the heat-exchanger pushes up electricity cost.

There are drug formula and non-chemical formula of the system at the conservation of the cooling tower,
The above-mentioned problems resolution in bulk in the non chemical can without equipment,
And the experience was also troubled in steelworks working age itself, because there was a user needs, was crossing to the development.


Mechanism of Water Purifying

Scale dissolution / prevention mechanism


Equilibrium is needed.


Water quality deterioration causes CO2 defficiency resulting CaCO3 deposition.


As reduction effect by ceramics, Ca(CO3)2 dissolves making Ca(HCO3)2,
then equilibrium is maintained.

Cu ion leaching untied with the above reduction environment has anti-bacteria effect.


Install of Aquxite cleaner

Photos of the cooling tower
Photos of the cooling tower



Operating condition

Solubility and Anti-bacteria





Experiment and Result ~The Boiler Case~

After 6 months




Comparison and Evaluation

which WaterJRACooling WaterMakeup WaterCooling Water
What FacilityCooling WaterStation buildingBeer Brewery
Chemical(for 1 month)(for 2 months)
OutlookingTransparencyTurbid of Yellow SubstancesTurbid of Yellow SubstancesTransparencyTransparency
 Ph 6.5〜
OxygenCaCO3mg/l(pH4.8)<100170300 *194160 *1
amount of Acid
Calcium HardnessCaCO3mg/l<150210450 *281150
Chloride IonCl−mg/l<2001102202139
Sulfuric Acid IonSO4 2−mg/l<200140290 *2
Ionic SilicaSiO2 mg/l<50366057110 *2
Common Bacteria個/m |32,00014,000 *3  
Total HardnessCaCO3mg/l<200270610 *2

Initial & Cost Down Summery

Cooling Tower Sizem3Aquxite CleanerCost
10RT7.81 pcUS$ 1,800.-
100RT7810 pcsUS$ 18,000.-
Erectlicity1kw/hCost/hour1 day(12hs)365 days
«10% less
ChemicalYou can save annually¨US$6,250
@Total Cost Down annuallyUS$17,200

Comparison Chart

~Cleaner and Chemical~ 100RT

Aquxite Cleaner評価Chemical評価
Initial Cost 6 Cleanersx\150,000 =\900,000.-×\500,0000.-(Newly Install)
Instllation fee: 6 Cleaners=\ 60,000.-
Running CostCost of cleaning and Check Chemical Cost \200,000 ×
\50,000/year Cleaning Cost \200,000 =\400,000/year 
Cost Comparison total \580,000.-/yeartotal \850,000.-/year×
(for 2 years)
Stress for Cooling TowerInhibiting deposition for hard calciumDifficult of removing the calcium carbonate
carbonate and silica, and less stressand silica on heat-exchange equipment
for equipments. (inside tubes, contents), and chemical
gives lots of stress for it.
Energy Saving Annual Saving Energy: \300,000 appx10% lower thermal efficiency(about 10%
cost up) if 0.6mm silica attache inside of
Effect for pipe and other facilityOnce Aquxite Cleaner removes bad Even after doing chemical treatment,×
substances in it, keeps in good still needs regular maintenance.
Effect for water environmentAquxite Cleaner makes circulationChemical Treatment inclusive of N(nitrogen)×
cooling water clean, then you can get and P(phosphorus) normally. You have to
safe and stable operation.do drainage measures in future.
Cost Saving of WaterWorks even for high densityYou need adjusting of chemical volumes depending on the density substances in water,may need additional \60,000 for case.×
substances in water
and can save water as well.
Overall Evaluation(Cost shown is average for 5 years) It is effective at least more that 5 years.You need to invest for renewing the×
Big advantage on saving energy, equipments in shorter period, as well as
water and running cost.regular cleaning is necessary for them.
Saving \8,000/year Additional \760,000 /year

Comparison of Cooling Tower

Chemical Treatmentsemi ChemicalNon Chemical
Tourmaline, Magnetic, Aquxite Cleaner
to doto doto do
MaintenanceMaintenance timing depends on condition with 3D worksNo solution forEffective no matter if Organic or Inorganic
Organic substances
Equipment Lifecauses of antibacterial oxidization.causes of antibacterial oxidization.Keep stable condition without Oxidization
Mineral substances attachmentMineral substances non attachment Keep stable condition without staining mineral substances
Antibiotic ActionUnstable antibacterial effectUnstable antibacterial effectStopping or less harmful substances by Aquxite Cle
Thermal EfficiencyUnstable Efficiency and even worseUnstable Efficiency and even worseStable Operation(more than 10% than others)
Also Organic film attached Less effective due to Organic antibacterialcan not remove remained mineral substances
Running cost Equipment cleaning is necessary with costs, impossible fully-treated.Equipment gets oxidized, shorter life and need chemical treatmentVery easy maintenance of cleaning the equipments with jet-washing and long life. 
Initial costNo need investigation for any equipment.Costs equipments for initial instllationCosts of Aquxite Cleaner can cover much enough for all the cost of Chemical treatment and less operation.


Who are using Aquxite Cleaner in Japan

Who are using Aquxite Cleaner in Japan